Sunday, March 1, 2015

Real Life Begins...

Ahhh...the touring is over and now the real reason I came here has begun. School. We started on Febuary 16th and luckily things have been going great so far. It is a bit of a trek to get to upper campus where classes are held, but the fact that we have class on a mountain makes it totally worth it. I am taking three classes, they are: African Hunters and Herders (a survey of prehistoric african people), Principles of Oceanography, and Life in the Sea. Naturally Life in the Sea has been my favorite so far, but they are all sufficiently interesting. In-between classes, practicals (aka labs), and homework, my friends and I have been trying to keep busy. Here are just a few photos of some afternoon wanderings.

 Trip to the spa. Complete with fish pedicure.

Of course delicious food.

 A photo from a dive in Shark Alley. We saw at least 10 cow sharks during our 45 minute dive. They have don't have any personal space issues and prefer to swim within inches of your face. It makes for an exhilarating dive though. 

 Rainbow and Devil's Peak on my way to class. 

 Some hiking in Kleinmond on a camping trip I took this weekend. 

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